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www.theparadigmofmoneyfilm.com Donates 20% Of Profits To nakedtruth.info To Stand Against Market Manipulation


Start Streaming 12/3/21

Or See In Theaters.

The film, The Paradigm of Money, opens in Los Angeles Friday December 3rd at the Laemmle Theater in North Hollywood, California for the qualifying round of the Academy Awards Feature Documentary competition

To help bring more education and awareness to what is going on in the financial market and U.S. Economy,

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Let The Academy @Theacademy know “The Paradigm Of Money” Is worthy of being on the short list and is deserving of their attention.

Let WALL STREET know we the Retail Investor will not go gentle into that goodnight, we will rage, rage against the dying of the light.


The Paradigm of Money film exposes greed, corruption and regulatory capture fuel wealth transfer.




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